Photography by Rich Breshears, Kennewick, WA
My first memories of cloth come from my toddler years when I played with fabric scraps while my mother was sewing, and then (I am told) I tied my own shoe laces at eighteen months, surely a sign that I would continue manipulating thread into adulthood.
I earned my MA from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, with two majors: Weaving & Textile Design and Clothing Design. After teaching clothing design in private and public schools and department stores for nine years, I opened a weaving studio in Royal Oak, Michigan, where I taught weaving and sold weaving equipment.
A move to Eastern Washington with my husband brought the decision to become a full-time studio artist and itinerant instructor throughout the US and Canada teaching weaving techniques, color theory and chemical dyeing. This move also brought opportunities for exhibiting, curating and judging textile exhibits and serving on boards of local arts organizations. After several more cross-country moves, we are now back in Eastern Washington where I maintain a busy exhibition schedule and mentor those with serious interests in weaving and surface design.